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Feb 2014

Sunday 16 Feb 2014: Two men 1/2 naked

On 16, Feb 2014 | No Comments | In Uncategorized | By Marty St. James

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In Uncategorized / By Marty St. James

…two men half naked with wide shoulders and shoes with holes in them- fight and beat each other in front of me and others on italian plaza, central buenos aires. as it happens just opposite the zoo.

they are on the inside lane of the 10 lane carriageway. swinging away, falling, been throw over each others shoulders and landing with terrifying thuds on the steamy tarmac. they savage each other whilst the policeman stood next to me watches but does not intervene or move a muscle. the sparkly chrome fronted south american looking bus packed with passengers glued to the windows honks its loud horn – like a ships siren sounding off in fog as it tilts to miss running over one of their heads. people stand on the pavement opposite. the traffic lights change from walking man to standing man. a well dressed man in a black short sleeved shirt seems to enjoy every moment. grinding his teeth hitting every punch in the air, kicking every pound of damp soggy flesh as it slaps its way down onto the grey tarmac once again.yes yes yes he snorts fire under his breath.the bare wet flesh hits the rubber road again and again. shocking as one man is pulled over the other. then the sound of the bones clanking down under the flesh hit the air. the surface looks and feels hard via the sounds of something close to breaking. sweat is followed by blood. the policeman calls out in spanish stop now. as the evening light seems to dim and the yellow street lights improve their glow the two men swagger off visibly in pain, swinging an occasional punch, swearing, the provocation leads to more punishment. the next bus cracks and breaks the lime green sunglasses fallen from a fighting pocket. some pennies get pushed into the road by a passing fiat taxi-car.they slowly disappear up the road, along the high gutter fallen into disrepair, into the dark descending evening turning south american summer night time. the sound of paul maccartneys voice comes out of an open bar door way.even though i love the beatles having seen them as a teenager i think fuck off paul, not now, stick your silly love song up your arse! but then slowly i realise my adrenaline has been flying high too and slowly it subsides and i begin to like the beatles again. funny that but sad too…

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